
Symbiotic Insanity Chapter 1

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Symbiotic Insanity

Chapter 1
A CroMa Fanfic

It's Morning in Death City; the Sun is up, laughing its usual cryptic, evil laughter, with its big gaping smile, with its huge teeth and evil eyes. In Downtown Death City, there is a house, but not just any house; this is the Albarn House, and inside the Albarn House, lays a Boy, who's in for the ride of his life.

Crona, a pink-haired, demon-infested boy, is lying underneath the white covers of his moderately comfy bed, asleep, in a grayish blue room with almost no furniture, except for a bed on the left side of his room, a dresser on the north side of the room, a TV, and a window right next to the TV, the door is just at the foot of his bed,  and in comes Blair, in her cat form, consisting of purple hair, white eyes, a black witch's hat, and a spiral-curved tail, tip-toeing over to Crona's  TV, she gracefully leaps on to the top of TV, and on to the windowsill just below Crona's curtain less window, she clamps on to the string controlling the blinds, in her mouth, and leaps down from the windowsill, and lands gracefully on the floor, pulling the blinds up, and letting the Sunlight beam directly on to Crona's entire upper torso,  the light hitting his face, waking him up. He had his usual look of horror on his face, which for some reason, was usually the face he had when he woke up, as if he was always having a nightmare.
"Nya, it's time to get up sleepy head." Chimed Blair.
The look of horror disappeared from Crona's face as he brought himself to wake up.
"Mmm, Wh-What?" Crona Mumbled Tiredly.
Blair, sitting on her hind legs, tilts her head to the left and says
"Come on now, it's time to get up, Maka and I made some breakfast for everyone, so that's waiting in the kitchen for you."
She then gets up on all fours and walks to out of Crona's room, through the gap of the ajar door, and heads towards the kitchen. Crona sits up, revealing his black T-shirt, for he does not like sleeping with just boxers on, because he feels too nude when he only wears boxers, his hair is all messed up, but he leans forward, with a look of irritation on his face, for he could feel Ragnarok approaching. Ragnarok bursts of Crona's back, with a big gigantic white X on his face, and on the right and left of this big X, are two round white eyes, with small black x's for pupils, his skin is Carbon Black, for he was made from black blood, and on the tips of his little arms, were two round orbs for hands, with three gray lines on the front and back of them. He places his hands on the tips of Crona's ears, and then yanks them as he thrusts backwards. Crona is twisting and turning, trying to get loose of Ragnarok's painful grip.
"Come on Crona! Get your ass up! Food man, Food!" Ragnarok shouted impatiently.
"Alright, alright, just let go!"  Crona shouted, while still struggling to break free of Ragnarok's painful grip.
Ragnarok let's go of Crona's ears, and then rests his head and hands on Crona's pink hair. Crona throws the white sheets and off of him, turns himself around to face the other end of the room, places his feet on the floor, and then stands up.
"Onward to the Kitchen!"  Ragnarok Commanded.
Crona moves towards his door, opens it, steps out into the hallway, and then heads left, towards the kitchen. In the Kitchen, Soul is sitting at the table, and Blair is staring out the Window in Cat-form, the room is a kind of green, with a white refrigerator on the right side of the room, a white oven/stove on the left side of the room, and a sink and dishwasher on the north side of the room, all connected by a emerald-green counter-top, with brown cabinets above and below the countertop, except for the fridge. On the left and right side of the room there are entry way gaps, the one on the left side of the room leads to the living room, the one on the other leads to the hallway, which Crona is now standing in the entry way on the right side of the room, with Ragnarok on his head. In the center of the room there is a table, with four chairs. On the table, are scrambled eggs, waffles with syrup, a pitcher of milk, another pitcher of orange juice, a platter of bacon,  and an empty plate in front of a chair on the right side of the table. Ragnarok's eyes went wide, at the sight of the feast before him.  Above the kitchen sink, is a big window, which Blair is staring out of, while sitting on the window's windowsill. Soul notices Crona, and waves, and smiles his usual sharp-toothed grin. He was wearing a yellow T-shirt with Red Boxers.
"Come on Crona, don't let the food go to waste. Eat something." Soul said.
Crona smiles, makes his way to the table, pulls out his chair, sits down, picks up his fork and shovels some eggs and a waffle onto his plate. Ragnarok looks around, and is irritated to discover that he has no plate.
"Hey Cat! Where's my plate?!" Ragnarok shouted.
Without breaking her concentration on whatever she was staring at, she raised a paw, and chimed
With that, one of the upper brown cabinet doors flew open, and a plate floated out of the cabinet, with the door closing behind it, and floated over  to Ragnarok.  Ragnarok grabbed the plate out of the air, and started shoving masses of every dish on to his plate.
"Ragnarok means to say thank you." Crona said politely, hoping to make up for Ragnarok's rudeness.
Ragnarok looks down and mumbles
"Shut up Crona."
With that they both start eating .
Soul looked up and noticed Blair just staring out the window, and grew curious.
"Hey Blair, Whatchya staring at?"
Blair, still not breaking concentration says
"I'm staring at that 'Restless Star' it just seems to get bigger and bigger every day, doesn't it, it's worrisome."
Soul smiles and reassures her
"It's probably nothing, now come and eat something."
Blair turns around, and chimes
"Yeah you're probably right."
Blair then, leaps from the windowsill, on to the edge of the sink, then from the edge of the sink to the floor, and then in a burst of white smoke, she transforms into her human form, which consists of a black witches hat, a black tank top, a pair of black shorts, and long, straight purple hair, with the exception of two strands of spiral-curved hair. Her eyes are white, with black pupils, and  yellow irises. She sits down in one of the chairs, closes her eyes and smiles at Soul, who does the same back at Blair. Crona stops eating and looks left and right, but can't see Maka anywhere.
"Uuuuhhh, where's Maka?" Crona asked curiously.
A look of shock came over Blair's face
"Oh woops, I forgot to tell you, she left early, and is going to be waiting for you from 9 to 10 am, at the new Café, a few blocks down from here" Blair said urgently.
Crona looked at the clock above the fridge, it read 9: 10 AM, a look of panic then came over Crona's face.
"Oh no!  Ragnarok, shove what's left of your food, in your mouth and chew it on the way to the Café!"
"Not a problem there! And who said I needed to chew!"
With that, Ragnarok tilted his head back, opened his mouth wide like a garbage can, and then slid everything on the plate down his throat, and swallowed it whole.
Soul's eyes went wide, as he watched what Ragnarok had just done.
Crona finishes his eggs in a hurry, and guns down the hall, and into the bathroom, 10 minutes pass, and he comes out in a towel completely clean. He dashes into his room, and 5 minutes later he comes out dry, with his usual black robe on, and the 17 year-old, bursts out the front door.
He runs down the a few streets bumping into a few people, politely apologizing, then resuming his dash to the café, at 9:30-ish, he arrives a few street crossings away from the café, and finds Maka sitting at one of the tables, wearing red jeans, a Yellow V-neck, T-shirt, which she had really filled out over the years, one thing was for sure, no one could call her "Flat Chested" anymore, and to top it all off, an unzipped black hoodie. Her hair had pigtails in them, except they were a bit longer then they were a couple years ago, and the sunlight was shining off her golden, blonde hair. She turned her head Crona's way and spotted him, even from far away, he could see her emerald green eyes looking at him, had always made him feel safe. She smiled her perfect white smile, to Crona they looked like a set of square pearls, and she waved at him, he waved back. As he started to cross the street, he couldn't wait to cross the other two or three, for to him, it was like a countdown, until he reached the one he knew he wanted to  be with. He thought she looked so beautiful, so amazing that day, that all his fear had suddenly washed away, he had never felt like this before, he finally felt…safe for once, he knew, that as soon as he reached her, that this was it, this would be the day, this would be the time, this would be the exact moment, when Crona Gorgon would finally ask Maka Albarn out on a date.
As soon as he stepped on to the side walk to cross the street yet again, the "Restless Star" shrank into a small black meteorite just smaller than a human head, and shot down from the sky in a purple streak of fire.
The Meteorite Struck Crona right on the right side of  his head, smashing the left side of his head into the ground, creating a crater a size or two bigger than his own head, and the rest of his body, still attached, just floated in mid-air for a couple of seconds,  then dropped the ground. The meteor shattered upon the impact of hitting Crona's head against the ground, and a jet black, slimy substance, quicker than lightning, shot inside Crona's ear without him or anyone else noticing. Massive amounts of Black Blood shout out of his wide-open- mouth, nose, and the seams around his eyeballs. His bounced slightly off the ground, and then, in the few seconds his head was in mid-air, he saw Maka, with a look of total shock, terror, and horror all mixed together in one, spread across Maka's face. Then his head landed in the exact same spot again.
Crona Blacked Out.

End of Chapter 1
So this is the First Chapter of "Symbiote Insanity" I really hope you guys enjoy reading this, please comment and tell me what you think, because this is my first fanfic. If you got confused at any point, I'd be more than happy to clear things up for you, so if you got confused at any point, just ask me what you didn't understand and I'll clarify it for you

This was inspired off of :iconapplezaira:'s requested deviation

All Characters Copyright of Atshura Ohkubo
© 2011 - 2024 IronScorpion
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